
Microservices API challenges



Installation in a K8s cluster


Open source for API traffic visibility in K8s clusters

Microservices API challenges

Microservice applications interact via API’s with many other applications. To minimize risk, it is valuable to have visibility to the OpenAPI specifications and to understand any potential changes to that specification throughout the application lifecycle. However, obtaining OpenAPI specs can be challenging, particularly for external or legacy applications.

Proper OpenAPI specifications can be further complicated by microservices that use deprecated APIs (a.k.a. Zombie APIs)​ or microservices that use undocumented APIs (a.k.a. Shadow APIs).

Finally, it’s important to be able to obtain Open API specifications without code instrumentation or modifying existing workloads.


  • Capture all API traffic in an existing environment using a service-mesh framework​
  • Construct the OpenAPI specification by observing the API traffic
  • Allow the User to upload OpenAPI spec, review, modify and approve generated OpenAPI specs​
  • Alert the user on any difference between the approved API specification and the one that is observed in runtime, detects shadow & zombie APIs​​
  • UI dashboard to audit and monitor the API findings
diagram for docs


Building UI and backend in Docker

docker build -t <your repo>/api-clarity .

docker push <your repo>/apiclarity

# Modify the image name of the apiclarity deployment in ./deployment/apiclarity.yaml

Building UI

make ui

Building Backend

make backend

Installation in a K8s cluster

  1. Make sure that Istio is installed and running in your cluster: (Official installation instructions).
  2. Deploy APIClarity in K8s (will be deployed in a new namespace named apiclarity):
  3. kubectl apply -f deployment/apiclarity.yaml

  4. Check that APIClarity is running:
  5. kubectl get pods -n apiclarity

  6. Deploy the Envoy WASM filter for capturing the traffic:
  7. git submodule init wasm-filters

    git submodule update wasm-filters

    cd wasm-filters

  8. Run the WASM deployment script for selected namespaces to allow traffic tracing. The script will automatically:
    • Deploy the WASM filter binary as a config map.
    • Deploy the Istio Envoy filter to use the WASM binary.
    • Patch all deployment annotations within the selected namespaces to mount the WASM binary.

    ./ <namespace1> <namespace2> ...

    Note: To build the WASM filter instead of using the pre-built binary, please follow the instructions on wasm-filters

  9. Port forward to APIClarity UI:
  10. kubectl port-forward -n apiclarity svc/apiclarity 9999:8080

  11. Open APIClarity UI in the browser: http://localhost:9999
  12. Generate some traffic in the applications (e.g. sock-shop-demo) in the traced namespaces and check APIClarity UI :)

Running locally with demo data

  1. Build UI & backend locally as described above:
  2. make ui && make backend

  3. Copy the built site:
  4. cp -r ./ui/build ./site

  5. Run backend and frontend locally using demo data:
  6. FAKE_TRACES=true FAKE_TRACES_PATH=./backend/pkg/test/trace_files ENABLE_DB_INFO_LOGS=true ./backend/bin/backend run

  7. Open APIClarity UI in the browser: http://localhost:8080